Dec 31, 2010

blog break

It feels like forever since I posted, but I've decided to use the usual "busy holidays" excuse for my downtime.  It's New Year's of my least favorite holiday extravaganzas.  As my friend, Courtney, likes to say, "it's amateur night out there."  I will be staying in tonight at my apartment with one of my resolutions for next year to include increasing my social outings.  Ironic, huh? I don't usually make resolutions, but I think it makes for some somewhat good blog content so here goes.  Also, if I've written it out in cyberspace, maybe I'll stay accountable??

1. No more Diet Coke!  I quit September 2 of of this year and have only slipped up twice.  My slip ups included Diet Dr. Pepper, so I still feel proud.  In 2011, I plan to be Diet Coke free, and still missing it. 

my mouth still waters at the sight
2.  P90X and maybe the new Insanity coming out called The Asylum.  On Jan. 3rd, I am starting P90 with a group at my apartment.  I don't think I like Tony very much, but I've committed the first part of my year to this guy :). 

oh dear
3. As I said earlier, I want to be more social.  It's time to say YES more than my NO's to the random outings offered in Austin, TX.  I will really need accountability on this one, and I know my roommate will do her best!

Even cloudy, this city is my favorite!

Hope everyone has a happy, safe, and enjoyable night this evening.  Let's make 2011 the best yet!

Dec 13, 2010

congrats to. . .

my two great friends, Julia and Melissa!  They both graduated with Masters Degrees this past weekend!  I just wanted to take a minute to post how proud I am of both of you!  Both these girls have been working full time while studying towards this goal, which is such a feat!  Love you two very much!  Celebrate!!!!
I could not find one pic of just you two, so this will suffice! :)

Dec 3, 2010

'the way i see it'

It's the end of the fall semester so that means only two things: studying and coffee.  One of my absolute favorite little shops closed down, and so I warily ventured back to Starbucks.  It's so odd to think that I was working there during the holidays exactly three years ago.  I made more peppermint mochas and caramel apple ciders than anyone ever should.  I smelled like coffee, my belongings smelled like coffee, I served a lot of coffee, and I drank too much coffee.  I was dreaming of studying back then, and now I can't wait to stop.  Life can be funny like that.  Starbucks taught me so much, and I think I just thought of a new post...."25 Things I Learned from Starbucks".  To be continued...
So many of us know the holiday season is near when we get that first Christmas Starbucks cup.  I was looking at mine today while daydreaming away from my books, and I remembered how much I love the "The Way I See It" quotes on the normal cups.  The unique marriage of quotes and coffee is high up there on my list of favorite things.  Then, I spent more time procrastinating on my studying by looking up images of these said cups.  And finally, I am again avoiding studying by writing this short blog.  I know I was more focused in my younger days, I just know it! :)